Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Confused on Jan 18, Monday

Yesterday, I was talking to a friend of mine on MSN. He said he woke up at around 5 pm his time and that made me think that he went to school and he took and nap and recently woken up.

He said is was MLK Day. I was confused for a good ten minutes. I thought he mean "M[i]LK Day" and forgot the 'i'. I was dead wrong.

He told me there was no school, and I misunderstood what MLK was. So I asked him what MiLK Day was and since when this started. He said it started at midnight, and it's been around for quite a number of years known as "Martin Luther King Jr. Day." :[

I felt stupid. But now I dub that day MiLK Day because Cows are a perfect example of how black and white are just colors and both make up a cow.

The chocolate Cow is a different story. The fucker is hard to catch. >.>

Well, it's late already but, Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! =]

And yes, I did eat my cereal with milk that morning. :)

Son of a gun...I just logged onto Chatshack and a member there called it MiLK Day too. :/ I'm disappointed, I guess it's already been though of.


  1. Umm... Please tell me you at least knew that [Dr.] Martin Luther King [Jr.] Day existed. Lol :P

  2. Of course I KNEW! I haven't been living under a rock that long. (I had TV and went to school [when I felt like it]. Which is how I found out) >.>
