Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Head

So, I'm in pain. My head hurts, but it's bearable. I had surgery sometime between 11am-12:30am because I was getting a bothersome cyst removed.

I don't know how long I was in the waiting room with my mom but I was there for maybe two hours (because my anesthesiologist was very busy with the patient before me).

I got to see the whole movie of Mulan (I was in a Children's Hospital). I recognized Mulan's voice and it sounds like the voice for Kim Possible. And after the movie I played with a Rubix Cube. I managed to finish a couple sides but I was still having trouble. I probably only have 2 total hours playing with Rubix Cubes in my whole life so I'm no pro.

All I remember is me walking to the operating room and lying down on the operating table and they hooked me up with health monitoring systems and an IV, and they strapped me down to the table in case I freaked out and I wanted off the table and cause a commotion. The anesthesiologist told me when he was going to put the anesthetics in my system through the needle in my hand and told me that my hand was going to feel funny. And funny it did, it feels a bit worse than when your arm is asleep and you want to wake it. And then, I said to myself that I wanted to stay awake but then I just fell asleep with out knowing it.

And then I woke up. FUCK. I was sleeping comfortably and then I woke up. I don't remember anything. I realized my head hurts and I reached to touch it lightly and nothing but stitches there. I WAS TIRED, and I still am.

Oh yes, I remember how I got to the car. In a wheelchair and Nurse Judith was pushing me to my car. I don't remember if I fell asleep in the car but when I got home I just walking inside to go lie down on my mom's bed and she brought me a blanket and I fell asleep comfortably. I slightly remember hearing my mom reading some letters that my brother sent us.

I woke up, sat up and I was thirsty. I had some water. Mom had made me some warm Campbell's chicken noodle soup. ("shi-kin" lmao. I miss TL Alverado saying that) I can't move my scalp becaus it hurts, I can't even make wrinkles on my forehead without it hurting. It pretty much sucks but that's the price until it heals up. I better take care of it because I don't want some gaping hole on my head forever.

And now I'm here, writing this for no one to read it until they come across it.

The first song I listened to was "My Drug Buddy" by the Lemonheads. It's nice, melodic and mellow all at the same time. They lyrics are beautifully sung and the lyrics are great. :]

Hopefully today is going to be just as good. Oh and I should note, there was only one kid int he waiting room for the Children's hospital so it was relatively quiet. :]

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your surgery went well! :) And I kind of understand what you mean by the feeling of the anesthesia. Gas is kinda like that, too, but it's more of a welcoming calm than a "get me out of here." haha.
