Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Days are Looking Up

Today, woke up at 11am. It was raining! :D


Rain falls for about twelve seconds every night for two weeks each year, during the Monsoon season, which includes heart stoppingly beautiful lightening storms, that Arizona Power Service has engineered into cost cutting that includes wide spread outages. The .3 inches of rainfall evaporates within 5 minutes, lowering the temperature to 120° while increasing the relative humidity to 99.999% for approximately 42 minutes. As such, the average Arid-zonan is spared from details of the complex and delicate interrelationship between water and rivers. One river actually winds its way past the northern border of Arizona, however in a landslide water rights legislation local government managed to sell the water to California."
- http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Arizona

A very rare occurrence indeed. :] Except it's been raining ALL day. It's raining right now too! =]

I missed being in a humidity environment. I miss a change in the weather where it's not just sunny or just slightly cloudy.

Today, I wasn't on the computer very much, rather, I was hanging around the house, watching the rain come down on our pool as I sat outside in a chair, I played Xbox Live with my good friend S.I. Charles, and just playing a guitar while singing what ever came to mind.

So I made plans with my fellow MDM friend, S.I. Mackenzie to go with her tomorrow to Challenge, and go on Friday as well. S.I. Charles is gonna be there on Both days too, but not very long. Friday is going to be best of all! S.I. Sykes S. is going on Friday as well, and we are going to spend ALL DAY there! I'm stoked! I can't wait!

Playing with Charles on Xbox live was awesome. I haven't seen that kid since the 5th, and same with Sykes S. With Charles we were exchanging some old things we might have forgotten from Challenge, specifically quotes and stories. Maybe someday I'll make a blog on Challenge quotes/stories.

I haven't told anyone this but we've a pool in our backyard. I sat our there watching rain drops ripple through the water for a bit. Ah...the rain.

My guitar skills suck but I'm improving. I started playing with the guitar while trying best to sing along with what ever notes I was hitting. I was trying to come up with some sort of rhythm and I kinda got it. Although the singing, probably horrible, but I was trying to come up with lyrics at the top of my head. Entertaining really.

Time for me to hit the hay.


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