Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Traffic and the Dentistry


Earlier I said I was going to eat, right? Right. Well, I took my time making it and my mom was yelling at me to hurry up and make it and eat. I took my time. Mom was pissed.

Note: when I was making the three eggs, I left them unattended and one of them rolled off and fell from the counter, and onto the floor. Poor bird still had the will to live! He tried flying only to fall to his definite death. =/ (btw, mom was pissed that an egg fell onto the floor) So then I got another egg from the fridge since I wanted 3 eggs. After I ate, I brushed my teeth (it only angered my mom even more.

We were barely going to make it to the first appointment I had at 1 pm with the orthodontist. I forgot what that was for. And my second appointment was at 1:30 pm. We left home at 12:30 pm and we got on the freeway at about 12:40 pm.

We were going down the highway and way in front of us, maybe half a mile or more, a bunch of dust is everywhere and a few cars went off-road onto the dirt. Probably to avoid a collision with the sudden stop of cars in front.

There was indeed an accident. We were there stuck in traffic for 30 minutes. Many cars had quit waiting and went through the median of the highway and had driven off into the other direction. I got out of the car to see how bad the accident was... once I saw how fucking far the traffic line was, I went back i the car and told her we should go back the other direction and go through back roads to get back on the highway. During those 30 minutes, I canceled my first appointment. I got out of the car and I couldn't even see the accident. I swear the traffic was over half mile long, and a quarter mile of traffic behind us.

So I make it to my second appointment on time but don't get called in until about 1:40 pm. So there I am sitting in the patient's chair and they get a cotton swab with that one gel that numbs a certain part that they were going to stick the syringe in. The bottom right tooth, way in the back, the farthest one was the one they were going to work on and drill it and fill it.

They gave me one shot of novocain, it hurt aft first until after a few seconds. They came back a few minutes later and they wanted to make sure I was numb enough but I was barely even numb. So they game me another shot of a different type of numbing-stuff that would not only numb me but numb me much quicker. They leave and come back and check on me and I wasn't numb enough again! The right side of my tongue wasn't even numb. And then they give me another shot of novocain and they come back minutes later. I WASN'T NUMB ENOUGH, AGAIN. The right side of my tongue was slightly numb. But the dentist started anyways.

It still hurt when he was drilling. I kept gripping tightly on the arm rests on the chair. It hurt. =/ They should have given me more novocain. Oh and I kept trying to swallow but they wouldn't let me. I hate it so much when I can't swallow. =/ And I was so nervous too. >.<

When they finished, they said they wanted to see me back some other time so they can do the other two small cavities they didn't get to work on because they spent too much time trying to numb me. But I told them I'd be leaving for five months on Sunday so they scheduled me the next day. Tomorrow I'm going to the dentistry again. And this time, no novocain for me. They are going to give me nitrous oxide! :D It's laughing gas.

They are going to put me to sleep. :] Which means I can sleep a little less tonight since I'm sleeping a little bit at the dentist's office. (jk)

Hopefully they don't kill me. If they do, that would be cool too since I wouldn't have anything more to worry about. :]

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