Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I promised to post each day, or something like that (did I even promise at all?). Anyways, I was thinking it. ;)

Alright, I just got back from exercising for what seemed like two hours, and talking to my mom for about half hour about other stuff. And now I was surfing the net for just a bit.

I left the computer earlier to let go of a couple people I was talking to so they could get some sleep. No, it doesn't matter who they were although one of them wanted me to leave and hates me. :[ (I'm joking, :P)

So I left them to go hang out with two German Shepherds and exercised. :]

I went outside and into the garage with my mp3 player and speakers, then I set up my little music station and put on some music for those two hours hours. After that, I went out of the garage to go let the dogs out of their fenced in home and replaced their water bowls and gave them extra food. I played with them for a bit and then I started working out and I took breaks because the dogs wanted attention and I wanted to pet them. I took a lot of breaks...

So after a while of working out and pulling a hamstring on my right leg and drinking three glasses of ice cold water; I grabbed my stuff and let the dogs back into their kennel and I walked back to the house when I noticed the 3-4 inch black spider (Black Widow I think it was) that was in a small hole next to the steps. So I figured out where the the rustling noise comes from that my mom sometimes freaks out about (she's deathly afraid of mice/rats, and though it was a rat but the rat's rustling is somewhere near the bushes, not around the steps) so both those animals are out there. Told my mom, "Maybe the spider will kill and eat the rat for you." She hopes that does happen. :b

So I went inside, spoke to my mom for an hour and then left to the computer to check things and decided to blog this.

But I'm so fucking pissed with blogger. Every fucking minute it freezes FireFox when it "autosaves" itself. I'm very pissed with it. It's taking one damn hour to post this. When it was frozen big time a few times while typing this, I got up and cooked myself an egg and ate it, and I came back and I began typing again and it froze AGAIN. So I got up and grabbed a frozen egg roll, put it in the microwave and heated it up, and ate it and I came back. Since begining this paragraph, it's frozen two fucking times.

So I'm ending it here very soon so I won't have to deal with this.

Since I'm still dirty from being aroud the dogs and sweating quite a bit, I'm about to go take a shower. There, it just froze again as I finished that sentence. I'm about to stop right after this.

Okay, plans for tomorrow(aka- later this morning), I'm going to help my mom and family friends help organize all the crap they have in their house. In other words, I'm going to help Alfonso(spelling?) build his 2,000-2,500 puzzle picture he was working on earlier today. He did NOTHING except trying to build that puzzle by himself while his wife and my mom organized and actually did work. So tomorrow I'll hopefully be building a puzzle. I will probably be gone most of the day so I won't be able to talk to a few people on the webs. And for the record, Alfonso is my secondary mentor for Project Challenge. :]

So I think this is long enough and I'm getting sick of getting caught by Blogger automatically saving this draft and making this a shit-load more difficult than it should be. So I'm off to go shower, and going straight to bed.

I swear, freeze just one more time and I'm throwing this computer through all three 7x5 foot windows in the living room. OH FUCK YOU, YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT.

Goodnight. Starting a few minutes from now, I will no longer have a working computer. Have a good day. =]

1 comment:

  1. You talking about letting your dogs out of the kennel and stuff reminded me that I forgot to tell you that I really like your house. It's big and in the middle of nowhere. It's nice. lol :P
