Friday, June 26, 2009

Survey 2

Is there any chance you will kiss the person you have feelings for?
There is a chance.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
It's a habit of mine. So I always wear it, unless if we are not moving, or if there's a fire.

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
I think you mean last morning. :P
I slept like 8 hours.

Do you straighten your hair?

What's the closest black thing to you?
My black belt.

What color shirt are you wearing?
A plain grey shirt.

Do you have a best friend? anymore?
What wants to be my new best friend? :]

What are you saving your money up for right now?
I'm actually not saving up any money. I'm actually giving it away. I have like $70 but not sure who to give it out to.

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
Lol, jk. Yeah, I can go out in public.

Do you have any jewelery on?

What flavor ice cream did you last have?
Oreos and Cream. :9

How many pillows do you sleep with?
Three pillows, usually. One for my head, two for my feet. Sometimes I don't even have one for my head at all actually.

How was last weekend?
I don't remember it...I think it went well though.

Who was the last person's voice you heard?
I last heard my mom's voice.

Have you had the chicken pox?
No, I don't think I have.

What's your current problem?
Lack of sleep.

Do you believe in this saying: What goes around comes around?
Not if it gets hit by a car. I doubt I believe in it, but it happens.

Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
Not really. I was really tired.

What was the highlight of today?
I actually spoke(internet) to a few people I wanted to talk to. :]

Do you hate anyone?
I don't think so...

In the next 5 months, what are you looking forward to most?
Omg, great question. :D I look forward to graduating with a Diploma or GED (aiming for Diploma) and...having a plan afterwards. :]

Do you wish you had the chance to tell someone something right now?
Yeah, I wish I had the chance... *sigh*

Who was the last person you talked with on the phone ?

Have you ever wasted too much time on a certain boy or girl?
I doubt it, it was time well spent on that girl. =]

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Nah, I'm pretty sure no one is thinking of me at all.

Has anyone disappointed you recently?
I could name a few.

At this moment in time, do you wish you could trade places with someone?
Yeah, just to mess with them. They'll be freaking out wondering WHAT THE FUCCCCK.

What color is your hair?

What's the weather like outside?
Slightly cloudy, and dark.

What are you doing tonight?
"Tomorrow night," ....I really don't know.

Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
Yeah, I'm going to make someone my bitch. Lol, jk. I doubt it. There's going to be about 80-85% boys and 15-20% girls where I'm going to be three months from now. So I doubt it.

Do you want to fix things with anybody?
Yes. I apologize for being a douche.

Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?

When was the last time you were amused?
Earlier today when I was talking to my friend Ian.

Is there someone who continuously lets you down?
...not really.

Where did you get the pants you are wearing from?
My cousin Josh's shorts he accidentally left at my house 3-5 years ago! I like 'em.

What do you think about nude beaches?
I don't care. Who want's a piggy back ride?

Have you ever been caught skipping class?
Yeah. I can thank a couple friends for that: Herper, Jordan.

Ever been suspended?
A few times. I got expelled once...

Have your parents ever caught you drinking?

What is the shortest time you can take getting ready in the morning?
10 Minutes?

Do you find it difficult to sleep on your stomach?
Yes, VERY difficult.

Is there someone you will never forget?
Yes, there are a few people I will never forget. (myself included) As long as I don't get brain damage. One of them would be Captain Travis James Crosbie. :] He was way cool.

Have you ever shouted at random people from inside a moving car?

Has anyone told you they loved you in the last week?
Yup. :]

Last time you were on the phone?
Yesterday at around 7:30pm.

And who was the last person to text you?
Emily or Harper. That was back in Feb or March. 

Do you like your relationship status?
Yeah. It's best if it stays like this for a while longer. I'm not fit to be in a relationship right now. I R Rispozibel.

Have you ever screamed in the shower?

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a C or a J?

If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you?
To tell me how you feel about me. That is all.

How long have you been dating the person your dating?
Pshh, like, a few months. :P

Did you like anyone last summer?
Yes...I liked a few people....

Do you laugh easily?
Sometimes. I can be a goof.

Are you generally a nice person?
No, unfortunately.
People say I'm nice, but I think they are all lying to me.

Have you ever received a myspace message that made you cry?
Nope. Who the hell uses myspace anyways?

Are any of your sibling married?

Do you dye your hair?

When was the last time you were annoyed?
Blogger on Safari right now. It's really friggin' slow for the letters to show up.

Do you find yourself happy at this point?
Not right now. But certain people make me happy. :]

Do you have anything in your pockets right now?
A few firecrackers...

How many windows are open on your computer?
9... I should close a few of them.

Is there someone you dont want to lose in your life?
Yeah... I couldn't imagine life without 'em at this point.

Will you be sleeping alone tonight?

Name the first person you can think of that you know has a tattoo.
my dad  <---I agree with what the last person said.

Ever stayed up all night on the phone?

Is there a difference between the word "best friend" and "friend"?

Do you find it hard to tell people how you really feel?
Yes, it's very hard because it hard to explain it to someone...and it depends on the person.

Any plans for next weekend?

Have you got any piercings?
Don't plan on getting any.

How many?
Peer pressure >.<
I'm getting like 10.

Is there anyone you would seriously punch in the face if you had the chance?
The members of the RIAA.

How often do you look out your window?

What were you doing at 12am last night?
Exercising/working out.

Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
Yeah, some chick named Kaitlin for some unknown reason and a chick named Martina just because I don't like Dane Cook. Narrow minded bitch. >.>

Have you kissed anyone in the past 10 days?
No. Well, only family.

Last person you shared food with?
Idk about person, but with my dogs, yes. :]

Are you shy?
Yes, but not as shy as I used to be.

Could things possibly get any better?
Yes. :]

Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?

Has there been anyone particular on your mind today?
Yes, Cierra and a couple other people.

Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
shorts <---I agree with that last person.

Can you see a cat from where your sitting?
If I did, it would be my new pet. *I want a Mountain Lion! :) *

Honestly does your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend like you back?
I sure hope so. :]

Do you ever ride the city bus?

Can you see any schools from your house?

Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?
Never had a first kiss.

What would you do with 1000 plastic spoons?
I'd give some to all my friends so we can spoon together! lawl wtf. lol

What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
I didn't care about music back then. Mostly theme songs to tv shows which were rock or metal, and I did like Nsync and Backstreet Boys and Kid Rock.

What is the best thing about your job?
The part where I can be lazy.

Are most of the friends in your life new or old?

Do you consider yourself bi-polar?
You're going to have to ask my other half on this topic.
He says if the polar bear can be counted in.

Have you ever toilet papered someones house?

Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Yeah and I regret it.

How did you get your last bruise?
I don't bruise easily...I don't remember my last bruise I ever got.

Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?

Have you ever had sex on the beach?

Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Yeah. :P

Kissed more that one person at a time?

Anyone of the opposite sex been on your mind lately?
Yeah, but I'm not telling.

Do you like long hugs?
Depends whos giving them in what situations. :]

Someone knocks on your window at 5am, what do you say?
Fuck it's early, come back at 10am.
Bust the window and blame it on them.

Where were you when 2009 first started?
Washington, in the kitchen and living room hanging out with him.

What was the last thing you had to drink?

Are you easily scared by horror movies?

Are you looking forward to anything?
Yes, Project Challenge.

Do you give good advice?
Yeah. "You should go to bed and get some sleep."

Did you enjoy your weekend?
Yeah, I did.

How often do you drink water?
Very often! :D

Does anything hurt on your body?
My eyes. They are sleepy.

Do you like pancakes?
Kind of. The first part is great. The middle is okay, and the end I'd be sick of them.

Would you share your drink with a stranger?
Probably not...I don't think I would share it at all.

Do you believe in forever?

Do you trust people?
Not too easily.

Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Yes. I like this song: "My Drug Buddy" by the Lemonheads
It's kinda mellow. :P

Any plans for this Friday?
Juan's coming over and that's it as far as I know.

Is there a big difference between "I love you" and "luv ya"?
Yeah, there is but it depends on the context.

Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yes, I named him Rocky but he died...

What is one thing you can say your most proud of?
Befriending a few of my current friends. :]

Ever tripped over your own feet?

How long has it been since you took vitamins?
Last week. I have tons, but I haven't taken it very much recently.

When is the last time you took medicine?
4 hours ago. I took Ranitadine for GERD.

Do you get headaches often?
Rarely. Last time I had a headache, I had one sometime three or four months ago.

Do you want plastic surgery?
Nope. I like the way I am.

How much do you think it costs to have a boob job?
I really don't know, and I don't care. It's probably expensive.

What do you think is the perfect age to start having children?
It depends, as long as I have the money to take care of children and a family, I'll be alright with having children whenever.
I would probably like it when I'm younger so that when the kids are teens, I wouldn't be that old. I want to be hip! rofl

How many children would you like to have?
2 or 3

Do you get along better with your mom or dad?
About the same, I relate to my dad better though.


I will have more to say tomorrow. This survey too me like 2 hours to finish >.<

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